Sega Survivors – Andrew Kerr

Sega Survivors – Andrew Kerr

Collector Andrew Kerr _ I was an avid reader as a child and you could argue that my original game collection consisted of all the Choose Your Own Adventure and Fighting Fantasy books! My personal interest reached the next level when I was gifted a SEGA SC-3000 computer. I became addicted to learning as much as I could about the computers capabilities because I found I wanted to create games instead of just playing them and that became the driver behind me collecting computer games.

Where did you play?

Where did you play?

How does one identify local themes and scenes in digital games history?  Figuring out what is local will usually require knowledge of the non-local, won’t it?  Well, in 1980s New Zealand there were some unique conditions which meant that games production developed at least partly along its own trajectory.  New Zealand had a system of import licensing — first introduced in 1938 — that lasted up until the mid 1980s.  The system made it unlawful to import any goods without a license from the Customs Department.  According to the late historian Michael King, the system was deeply unpopular.

Andrew Flexman

Andrew Flexman

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