“QB” was written by Andrew Davie when he was still at school, and was released to the Melbourne Atari User’s Group around 1986, for free. The game is still available online for download/play but was never published.
The goal of the game is simple: you slide blocks into a pattern, as shown in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. You can only move the blocks you are standing on, and you can only jump onto other blocks that you are directly next to. Fruit will appear as bonuses, and monsters will try to kill you or slide the blocks around, slowing your progress. Your only defence against the monsters is to use the fire button, to throw away anything about to hit you. But there is a limited number of times that you can do this, and this is based on your score.
Description from the Atari Times: http://www.ataritimes.com/article.php?showarticle=302
Version Information
Game Meta
Other Names
Additional Creators
Value Chain
- Qb, Screenshot, Atari800
Box Art
Manuals & Walkthroughs