NBA Jam 99 brings the NBA to the Game Boy and Game Boy Color. The port was released in 1999 and developed by Victorian-based studio Torus Games. The game features twenty-nine teams represented by five star players from each. There are four modes to play: Practice, Head to Head, Playoffs, and Season Modes. The games are 2-on-2, played either as a tag-team or as a single team member. Players can experiment with “juice mode” and “powerups” to alter the speed or cause their player to temporarily become “on fire,” increasing their dunking chance.
Version Information
Torus Games’ NBA Jam 99 on Game Boy is a port of the original Nintendo 64 version of the same name, released a year prior in 1998 and developed by Acclaim subsidiary Iguana West. The N64 version included 5-on-5 games, though the more limited game boy hardware necessitated a scaling down to 2-on-2.