“Horace Goes Skiing”, released in 1982, was a spin-off from the successful “Hungry Horace”. “Horace Goes Skiing” is initially similar to the arcade game “Frogger”. In this instance, Horace has to negotiate a busy and dangerous road, in order to get to the ski shop, to rent a pair of skis. Horace has a starting purse of $40, from which every ambulance fee (when you get hit on the road) costs $10, and the skis themselves will set Horace back $10.

Once Horace manages to rent the skis, he has to make his way down the slope, negotiating the flags and not hitting any trees. Once you complete each course, or if you hit a tree, you are sent back to the beginning.

Play Horace goes Skiing at the Internet Archive
Controls: left “1”, right”2″, up”3″, down “4”


Version Information

William Tang designed and wrote the game for the ZX Spectrum that it was famously packaged with the hardware at point of sale. At Beam Software the  Commodore 64 version of “Horace Goes Skiing” was not a straightforward  conversion but was  programmed from scratch by Gregg Barnett.

Alfred Milgrom contributed to Horace’s character design.

Game Meta

Other Names
"Horacio Esquiador" -- Spanish title
Release Year
Design, Programming, Sound Effects
Additional Creators
Horace Goes Skiing Gregg Barnett created versions of William Tang's three popular Horace games. He re-wrote the games so they worked fluidly with the very differing requirements of the Commodore 64's graphic and processing. Horace goes Skiing on the Commodore 64 featured the Pavloada created by Andrew Pavlumanolakos. http://www.ourdigitalheritage.org/archive/playitagain/creators/andrew-pavlumanolakos-2/ Platform/s: Commodore 64 Developer: Gregg Barnett - Programming Company: Beam Software - Developer Company: Melbourne House - Publisher Horace Goes Skiing 1983 Platform/s: Timex Company: Psion Software Ltd - Developer Company: Sinclair Research Ltd - Unknown Horace Goes Sking 1984 Dragon 32 conversion credited to Denver Jeans Platform/s: Dragon 32 Developer: Russel Comte - Graphics Developer: Greg Holland - Graphics Company: Melbourne House - Unknown, Publisher
Value Chain


Box Art


Manuals & Walkthroughs
