On the 19th and 20th June, 2014, the Play It Again team welcomed a fabulously diverse group of scholars and practitioners to Melbourne’s Australian Centre for the Moving Image for the Born Digital and Cultural Heritage conference. In attendance were Humanities and Computer Science researchers, lawyers, archivists, conservators, librarians, game and net.art preservationists, game developers, and a bunch of interesting others besides. Lively and convivial, with wonderful keynotes from Henry Lowood and Anne Laforet, the event saw many productive lines of inquiry opened up and intersections explored. The multi-disciplinary breadth of the discussions was one of the highlights, personally, and I’d like to thank all the delegates and speakers for their willingness to enter into dialogue with people from what were often radically different disciplinary backgrounds and professional contexts. I hope you found it as productive as I did.
To ensure the presentations have a life beyond the event itself, we’ve posted audio recordings of most of the presentations and discussions, in the order they were given, along with some photos from the two days. Abstracts and speaker biographies are also available. Enjoy